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Teaching Philosophy
What we lack in natural ability we make up for in determination and resilience, so make the choice to keep trying. At the end of the day, it's not about how fast we get there or how big the step we're able to take, as long as we keep moving forward towards our goal. Therefore, communication is key! I will be there to support you in working towards your goal.

1st solo ride up Twin Peaks, SF
(Aug. 2020)
Read about Ms. D
Click the links below ...
🔗Practicing Their Passion (SFSU Magazine)
🔗Blending Instagram into my Classroom
🔗(Earthwatch) Conserving Life on the Catalina Coast
🔗(Earthwatch) Four Teachers and One Unforgettable Experience
🔗(NASA) Simplified Microbial Mats: Unraveling a Complex Community One Alga at a Time
🔗(California Academy of Science) Systematic Phylogeny of the Nudibranch Genus Godiva (Macnae, 1954)
🔗(USGS) Behavior, Ecology, and Detection Surveys of Mammalian Carnivores in the Presidio (*name misspelled in publication)
🔗SFSU Center of Science and Math Education Teacher-in-Residence
🔗Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program
A Little About Me
👉I absolutely love science. Some friends would say I'm borderline obsessed. What can I say, discovery, investigation, and the application of knowledge make the little wonders around us even more wonderful! For this reason, I proactively look for opportunities to be involved in research and conservation work during my time off in the summer.
👉 I love volunteering at St. Anthony's dining hall in the Tenderloin and animal rescue centers. I spend as much time as I can hiking, camping, or going for walks with my three-legged dog. My friends and family say I'm too slow because I love to stop and admire the flowers, trees, rocks, insects, birds ...I mean, what's the rush?!
👉 I always say that the teaching profession chose me. I started out as pre-med in college (worked at UCSF & CPMC Hospital). I fell in-love with field research while visiting family in the Philippines, which led to some research opportunities (i.e. USGS, California Academy of Sciences, NASA Ames). It was my experience working in afterschool programs, where I found my passion for education. Doors kept opening and I followed suit. I was offered multiple opportunities to manage grants and create programs, which eventually led to teaching fellowships (i.e. MSTI, Noyce Fellowship, STAR program). Through the bonds I formed with the participants (1st to 12th graders), I learned education was where I could help the most. All my experiences prior to becoming a teacher serendipitously came together in my classroom!

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